Monday, May 7, 2007


This semester has been very interesting and a lot of fun! It has been great to see all of the technology that is out there and how it can be used in and out of the classrooms. Since I don't teach it has been challenging for me to find ways to integrate some of the ideas we have learned. I love the idea that I know how to create a blog and keep it up and going for my 4-Her's. I do plan to keep this line of communication going even after the class is over.
I loved the Alan November textbook and if I were still teaching I would share it with everyone. I loved the fact that we had access to each others blogs because there again if I were teaching I could share all of the ideas from others as well.
This textbook has been great, I usually find myself struggling to get through my assigned chapters but he made everything so interesting and the methods that were used to teach were great!
I will not continue my ETEC 524 blog but I will continue my 4-H blog.
Thanks for challenging us to get out of our comfort zones and go to the next level!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

In Chapter 7 I would have to disagree with Romano. The use of technology that he is introducing sounds great but, I feel that it is replacing too much of the teachers responsibilities. I would be afraid they would become too dependent on this technology. I would also worry that they as teachers wouldn't be challenged enough to keep making class interesting or fun for the students. I also disagree with his idea that teachers don't have to be retrained, we all, no matter the job need to be reminded from time to time our goals and responsibilites.
As for Chapter 8 I just feel it is necessary to form a committee to ensure that the money is being spent where it is most beneficial. I think guidelines, a written plan, and a set of goals should be in place to make sure you are making successful decisions.
As I review Chapter 9 Romano seems to have all the details worked out and it all sounds great, I just feel we need to keep the students in mind at all times and not lose sight that they should always be number one and make sure the learning emvironment is appropriate for all learning styles and levels.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Online Learning

I have mixed feelings about online learning in our school system. Yes, it is great where time is concerned but I worry about the social aspect of it. I know as college students we experience good teachers and not so good teachers. I realize that the teachers November is talking about are highly trained and experienced. I also know that there are many differant styles of learning and some students need that face to face interaction to be successful. I see positives and negitives with online learning.
As far as Second Life, I know it appears to take a lot of time to set up. I don't know many teachers that would dedicate their time to such a large project. Yes, I think it is amazing what all can be done with it and students would probably love it, but I'm just not sure how much teacher involvement you would get.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


National Archives and Records Administration and NARA Archival Information Locator are very impressive. I was very impressed with the NARA website and all that it contains. If I were a teacher I would use this in my classroom without a doubt! I did show this to my daughter who will be in high school next year and she was amazed at all the information that was available. What a good way to help students find accurate information and I was really impressed with the NARA Worksheets that are available for you to print. It allows the students to evaluate the source material.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Computers and Education

1. As the third millennium begins, it is evident that the development of digital technology has had, and will continue to have, a profound, pervasive impact on the course of global civilization.

There's no way to talk about all the technology advances that have taken place over the years but is evident that technology is growing by leaps and bounds. I can't think of a day that I don't use technology and if I try to think about some of the jobs I do without technology it would a disaster.

2. Computer technology has been adapted to amplify the capacity of professionals in virtually every aspect of society-with the exception of the teacher. Rationalizing this reality becomes increasingly difficult, since teaching and learning is an information-intensive process.

I like the point that is made in this section, many teachers have been forced to learn technology and how to do basic functions on the computer. Due to the knowledge that our students have about computers it is essential to try and keep up with what's new and the latest technology trends. It is hard for teachers to incorporate technology with all they have to teach these days but we have to venture out of our comfort zones from time to time.

3. There is generalized intuitive feeling that computers should have a vital role in teaching and learning. What is lacking is a sharply focused definition of that role and a strategy for integrating computers into education alongside books and chalkboards-in a mode that secures the teacher's central role.

It is like I mentioned earlier, teachers must venture out of their comfort zone and explore new ways to teach their lessons and involve technology. Yes, it will take some extra time, but the learning experience for your students will be so much more exciting and hopefully more beneficial for them.

4. Because computers store multimedia information interactively utilzing software that is course-specif, they allow teachers to provide each member of the class an increased number of individualized learning experiences based on the learner's need raher than the teacher's availability.

This is an excellent way for students to get extra practice on skills that they need reinforcement in. I didn't have experience in this since I wasn't a classroom teacher but I have a program that my daughter uses on our home computer and she loves it! It is a treat when students get to work on the computer and most don't realize they are getting extra practice.

5.The mind coupled with a computer infinitely amplifies its capacity to perform the basic cognitive functions. Yet there is no configuration of microchips that replicates the intricate, vital interface between mind and emotions-a basic limitation of computers.

I do agree to a certain extent with this statement. I think we do become dependent on computers to remember information for us. I even heard a teacher at my daughter's school say, "don't worry about spelling very much you know we have spell check". She even said this in front of some students. She was right but what kind of message was she giving her class? Is it alright not to study your spelling words? We ahve to be careful not challenge ourselves not to rely solely on the computer.

6.The fundamental role of computers in the classroom is to extend the capacity of teachers to provide individualized tutoring to learners, thus compensating for the disparity in each individual's capacity to achieve.

The computer can be such a vital tool in helping the learner gain more information. There are so many games and programs that can help reinforce the content areas that the student is having problems with. It is sad that more teachers don't take advantage of this opportunity due to their lack of computer skills.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


1. All human activity is driven by information; the more demanding the activity-the greater the need for information. Thus, information can be termed the fuel that powers the teaching-learning process.

In my line of work people come to me or my programs for knowledge. They are driven to learn more about something that has an effect on them.

2. At a fundamental level, it can be assumed that all learning is initiated by information perceived by the senses: specifically, what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.

When I give a program I use a powerpoint a majority of the time. It is my observation and experience that it makes the program much more interesting and provides a visual for everyone and could increase the knowledge that they retain. As an ex teacher I agree that children all learn differantly.

3.Information technology empowers teachers by amplifying their capacity to readily provise their learners the heightened sensory percepions of multimedia.

Technology provides teachers with such a variety of teaching and learning styles. If I were a classroom teacher I would try to use everything that was available and increase the children's awareness and capabilites of learning through technology.

4. How teachers manage information has a major impact on the outcome of the teacher-learning process. Technology faclitates and and amplifies the teacher's capacity to provise learners with information of higher fidelity in an individualized, interactive mode. Thompson said that the successful teacher primarily manager information, not students.

There are so many ways to teach. Teaching depends on your audiance and topic, just to name a few. As a teacher or educator making sure your audiance learns what you are presenting is what is important regardless of your teaching style.

5. Their is compelling evidence that learning is heightened when teachers create visually rich ecperiences, thus engaging the learner's entire brain-rather thatn only half.

It makes a lesson much more exciting to have a visual and not just listening to someone lecture. It's hard for childrena nd adults to sit and listen to a lesson for a long period of time before their mind starts to wonder off and lose sight of what is being taught.

6. In great part, the effectiveness of the communication phase of the teaching-learning process determines the outcome. Additionally, there are threee critical factors that determine how well learners assimilate the information made available: fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility.

Romano talks about three critical factors that determine how well learners assimilate the information made available.He discusses fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility.
Fidelity to me provides a hands on for your lesson. Relevancy means trying to provide the information necessary for them to learn what they need to know. It is your job to provide that for your audiance. Accessibility means to me is the information at hands reach? I try to provide handouts for them to go back and review. I provide a business card for them to contact me if they should have a question arise.

This class has been very interesting to me. If I were still teaching this class would provide such an amazing set of tools to work with, all the possibilites to be such a great teacher. Even with my present job I hope to make things I do more interesting and eye catching by using some of the new techniques.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Technology Hopes and Fears

1. How will you overcome these fears and use technology for empowerment?

I can't relate to these fears with my job. I use technology to communicate with all my coworkers across the state by email. I report my monthly activities on a reporting system. When I have my yearly Performance Apprasial it is all done on the computer. I use technology when I give presentations to groups in my county or send newsletters to them. It would be fearful if I didn't have technology in my workday. I do hope to keep improving my technology skills to make my work better and more exciting.
2. What barriers do you identify with as outlined on page 22 of the Romano text?

It is really hard for me to identify with these barriers because I don't teach in a classroom and when I did teach I was in a gym allday. I can relate just from observations I made when I was in the school element. You could tell the teachers that tried new things with technology and those who could only check email.
3. How have the skills you've learned in this class contributed to realizing your fears and /or hopes?

Since I am not a classroom teacher I've approached this class a little differantly. I have taken many ideas and put them to use, like the blog for 4-H. I am excited about learning more about the interactive powerpoint, and I hope to be able to put this into my work somehow!
4. What changes will you make regarding shifting control, mentoring, collegiality and collaboration?

When I give a presentation I try to always use a powerpoint or visual to make things more interesting. I hope to gain more knowledge on how to keep making things I do better.