Tuesday, May 1, 2007

In Chapter 7 I would have to disagree with Romano. The use of technology that he is introducing sounds great but, I feel that it is replacing too much of the teachers responsibilities. I would be afraid they would become too dependent on this technology. I would also worry that they as teachers wouldn't be challenged enough to keep making class interesting or fun for the students. I also disagree with his idea that teachers don't have to be retrained, we all, no matter the job need to be reminded from time to time our goals and responsibilites.
As for Chapter 8 I just feel it is necessary to form a committee to ensure that the money is being spent where it is most beneficial. I think guidelines, a written plan, and a set of goals should be in place to make sure you are making successful decisions.
As I review Chapter 9 Romano seems to have all the details worked out and it all sounds great, I just feel we need to keep the students in mind at all times and not lose sight that they should always be number one and make sure the learning emvironment is appropriate for all learning styles and levels.

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