Tuesday, April 3, 2007


1. All human activity is driven by information; the more demanding the activity-the greater the need for information. Thus, information can be termed the fuel that powers the teaching-learning process.

In my line of work people come to me or my programs for knowledge. They are driven to learn more about something that has an effect on them.

2. At a fundamental level, it can be assumed that all learning is initiated by information perceived by the senses: specifically, what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.

When I give a program I use a powerpoint a majority of the time. It is my observation and experience that it makes the program much more interesting and provides a visual for everyone and could increase the knowledge that they retain. As an ex teacher I agree that children all learn differantly.

3.Information technology empowers teachers by amplifying their capacity to readily provise their learners the heightened sensory percepions of multimedia.

Technology provides teachers with such a variety of teaching and learning styles. If I were a classroom teacher I would try to use everything that was available and increase the children's awareness and capabilites of learning through technology.

4. How teachers manage information has a major impact on the outcome of the teacher-learning process. Technology faclitates and and amplifies the teacher's capacity to provise learners with information of higher fidelity in an individualized, interactive mode. Thompson said that the successful teacher primarily manager information, not students.

There are so many ways to teach. Teaching depends on your audiance and topic, just to name a few. As a teacher or educator making sure your audiance learns what you are presenting is what is important regardless of your teaching style.

5. Their is compelling evidence that learning is heightened when teachers create visually rich ecperiences, thus engaging the learner's entire brain-rather thatn only half.

It makes a lesson much more exciting to have a visual and not just listening to someone lecture. It's hard for childrena nd adults to sit and listen to a lesson for a long period of time before their mind starts to wonder off and lose sight of what is being taught.

6. In great part, the effectiveness of the communication phase of the teaching-learning process determines the outcome. Additionally, there are threee critical factors that determine how well learners assimilate the information made available: fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility.

Romano talks about three critical factors that determine how well learners assimilate the information made available.He discusses fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility.
Fidelity to me provides a hands on for your lesson. Relevancy means trying to provide the information necessary for them to learn what they need to know. It is your job to provide that for your audiance. Accessibility means to me is the information at hands reach? I try to provide handouts for them to go back and review. I provide a business card for them to contact me if they should have a question arise.

This class has been very interesting to me. If I were still teaching this class would provide such an amazing set of tools to work with, all the possibilites to be such a great teacher. Even with my present job I hope to make things I do more interesting and eye catching by using some of the new techniques.

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