Monday, March 26, 2007

Technology Hopes and Fears

1. How will you overcome these fears and use technology for empowerment?

I can't relate to these fears with my job. I use technology to communicate with all my coworkers across the state by email. I report my monthly activities on a reporting system. When I have my yearly Performance Apprasial it is all done on the computer. I use technology when I give presentations to groups in my county or send newsletters to them. It would be fearful if I didn't have technology in my workday. I do hope to keep improving my technology skills to make my work better and more exciting.
2. What barriers do you identify with as outlined on page 22 of the Romano text?

It is really hard for me to identify with these barriers because I don't teach in a classroom and when I did teach I was in a gym allday. I can relate just from observations I made when I was in the school element. You could tell the teachers that tried new things with technology and those who could only check email.
3. How have the skills you've learned in this class contributed to realizing your fears and /or hopes?

Since I am not a classroom teacher I've approached this class a little differantly. I have taken many ideas and put them to use, like the blog for 4-H. I am excited about learning more about the interactive powerpoint, and I hope to be able to put this into my work somehow!
4. What changes will you make regarding shifting control, mentoring, collegiality and collaboration?

When I give a presentation I try to always use a powerpoint or visual to make things more interesting. I hope to gain more knowledge on how to keep making things I do better.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Chapter Readings

As I read through both chapters in our books it really amazes me that there are so many possibilites for students and teachers involving technology in our schools. When I taught and even now in my daughter's classes they aren't taught or challenged enough. I could see how educator's could become so involved and excited with their job but I also understand the difficulties that some go through in order to get people to accept change. It would be a great idea if each classroom teacher read Dr. November's book and could see all the opportunities. I also can relate with the technology gap that is also mentioned. Traditional teaching styles will always remain in our school systems. It is nice though when you see a teacher trying new things with her classes and trying to ensure that all students are learning and are successful.

Desktop Publishing & Dreamweaver

I missed class last week due to a conference I had to attend. I know we were to talk about dreamweaver and discover some of it's capibilites. We actually have that program on our computers at work but I will be honest, it isn't one that I typically use. I would like to share our blog address that I created for 4-H since this class has started.
This has been a lot of fun and I have since showed our secretary how to set everything up, so she can make updates as needed also.